Culture Expanse – The Inclusive Workshop for Teachers and Facilitators
In this class you’ll learn new approaches and new exercises to teach inclusively and empower students of diverse backgrounds, breaking old rules and forging new ground in this fun and practical workshop.
You’ll learn what old school rules don’t work for everyone and how to fix them
We’re going to empower each other to bring our identities to the stage
Widening worlds – bringing Positive Curiosity to improv creating original, richer scenes
You’ll learn how to empower authentic voices through Positive Conflict
Learn skills to navigate blind spots
Be part of the exciting new direction of improv
Create a space that truly makes improv for everyone
“Tai is a brilliant teacher, and taught improv in a way that felt fresh to me even though I’ve taken my fair share of improv courses.”
“Tai’s session took improv principles and gently invited us to embrace them with new thoughtfulness. Be curious and support others in speaking from their specificity.”
“Tai’s session blew my mind on more than one occasion and has made me interrogate many of my assumptions and practices.”
“Tai Campbell is such a warm, engaging facilitator and his session in the ‘How To Teach Inclusively’ Course has completely changed the way I approach my own facilitation.”