In a world much like our own; only superpowers have existed for 50 years but only one in five who have them are white, we follow the journey of two people on opposite sides of the Black experience in their search for a missing person from their past.

This isn’t a superhero story; this is a dramedy told through magic realism in an exciting allegory for what it’s like to be a Person of Colour.


For access to the full script please email taicampbell.film@gmail.com



Fayola is an intelligent loner who’s made more enemies than friends. After a childhood accident left her unable to walk without a crutch and the death of her uncle at the hands of the police she has spent years taking down public figures who have sought to harm the POC community at any cost.


Ekon is a privileged D list super on the rise when a scandal loses him his job, money and most importantly his ability to fly. This once self involved man now must work with Fayola to find the only person who can give him his flight back.


Musician, public figure, leader. This 10ft tall Afrocentric has the POC community hanging on his every word but with that comes great pressure to be strong, smart and the best – things that are hard to maintain. Underneath his gravitas and swagger is a vulnerable insecure man.


Sadia is Ekon’s best friend and is as brutally honest as she is horny. She has difficulty letting down her barriers because they have helped her so much in life. As much as she loves Ekon she’s never agreed with his privileged point of view and lifestyle.


Kwame is an overbearing superfan with no sense of boundaries and wants to be Ekon’s best friend more than anything. Always positive and always energetic but always a danger because if he loses his temper he causes an explosion, making the fact that Ekon secretly slept with his girlfriend a ticking time bomb.


Together with Ekon and Sadia they form a trio. Michael, always scruffy, sees the world with a childlike innocents and says what he sees in a way that is both beautiful and annoying. He finds himself constantly falling up in life coming into conflict with Ekon’s falling down.

Yashani O

Intelligent, beautiful, brilliant. Seems too perfect. Her disappearance leaves a large number of questions and a larger impact on the political climate. Everyone loves a downfall more than a success story and people are already primed to jump on hers – if they only knew where she was.




Image of Officer Sandy Coleman who was the first Black female police officer. She wrote a book about how her physical strength kept her safe from physical harm but not emotional abuse.

Image of a “Come Together” at one of the many Spots in Naivisha Sanctuary
“You’re welcome! £200,000 raised to help children in Europe”

The Bosé Boys. Trick flying sensations on TikTok